Emergency drills in institutions, ensuring preparation for possible emergency scenarios, These are simulations designed to enable personnel to learn and practice how to deal with these situations.. emergency drills, fire, earthquake, Increasing the level of preparedness against events such as accidents, It is carried out to test the coordination of emergency teams and to ensure that employees learn how to react in emergency situations.. Especially in cultural heritage areas and libraries, These studies should be given great importance in cultural memory institutions such as archives and museums..


Desktop emergency drill, based on a pre-planned scenario, It is an exercise performed to learn how employees of an organization or workplace will react and act in case of an emergency..

This drill, adaptable to many different scenarios. For example, fire, natural disaster, terrorist attack, Emergency scenarios such as chemical leak or epidemic can be used. Drill, all employees in the workplace, What procedures to follow in emergency situations, Let them know who will do what and how to communicate.

Desktop emergency drill, emergency teams at work, fire extinguishing, first aid, It also allows them to perform evacuation and other emergency procedures. In this way, Ensuring that all employees remain safe and evacuated smoothly in case of emergency.

An evaluation after the exercise, Helps identify and eliminate deficiencies. Moreover, helps employees become more aware of how to act in emergency situations. In this way, A team can be created prepared and equipped to deal with workplace emergencies.

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Hamdi KUZUCUOĞLU,  He served as a referee in the Desktop Exercise conducted by Prof. Dr. Oya ÇAKIN and Mr. Mehmet BİLGITEKİN at Koceli University..

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